At Business Alliance, we believe that the company secretarial function within an entity is a crucial business process in today’s business environment and that above all, it must be structured adequately so as to add value to the enterprise. Our secretarial services encompass:
- Advising and set-up of corporate vehicle
- Appointment, removal and resignation of directors, secretary, auditor
- Issue and transfer of shares
- Share splits
- Increase/Reduction of Share Capital
- Adoption, amendment and revocation of Constitution
- Change of company name and year end
- Amalgamation
- Other restructuring schemes
- Registration of trade names/marks
- Attending Board Meetings and Shareholders’ Meetings and drafting of corresponding minutes of proceedings
- Drafting of shareholders’ agreements
- Drafting of share subscription, sale and purchase agreements
- Demarches for permits with the Economic Development Board and other authorities
- Registration as employer and tax payer with the MRA, the MNS and other authorities
- Opening of bank accounts
- Winding up of Company
- Coordinating with the Registrar of companies
Our services also include:
- Maintenance of all the following statutory records:
- Minutes books of shareholders’ meetings;
- Minutes books of board meetings;
- Register of substantial shareholders;
- Register of directors and secretary;
- Share register; and
- All other registers required by the Companies Act 2001
- Preparation and filing of the statutory annual return with the Registrar of Companies after submission of the duly signed minutes of proceedings/written resolutions of the Annual Meeting of shareholders of the company.
- Filing with the Registrar of Companies of the duly approved financial statements after reception of same at our end.
- Filing all particulars of charges (mortgages, fixed, floating) with the Registrar General after due notification by the company of such charges.
- Calling shareholders' and directors' meetings on request within statutory notice periods.
- Advising on legal requirements of the Companies Act 2001 concerning documents of compliance to be lodged at the Registrar of Companies, Registrar General, etc...
- Advising on corporate governance issues